Let's jump right in. Imagine Ukraine as a magnetic field, pulling two powerful magnets,Russia and the West in opposite directions. Russia's interest isn't just nostalgic or ideological. And the west, pulling Ukraine into its sphere. The tension is palpable.
In a planet where water covers more than 70% of the surface, it's easy to forget that fresh water—an essential component for life, is scarce. But who gets to control this precious liquid gold? Enter the fascinating and complex world of water diplomacy. A truly elusive field.
In the realm of peace & conflict, light often falls on high-profile negotiators. However, one cannot underestimate the potential of ordinary people in shaping peace. By digging beneath the surface of the formal peace processes, we uncover a narrative of everyday individuals.
In a world grappling with conflicts and instability, the pursuit of peace has become more crucial than ever. As researchers and scholars delve into the intricate dynamics of peacebuilding, an article titled "Space for Peace: A Research Agenda,"offers a fresh perspective.
Within the domain of peace research, scholars strive to uncover the intricate dynamics of conflict and peacebuilding, seeking to shed light on pathways to a more harmonious world. However, amidst the quest for knowledge, researchers often encounter bumps along the road.
In the realm of international diplomacy, it is the voices of the permanent members of the United Nations Security Council that often echo the loudest. Yet, occasionally, the efforts of a non-permanent member leave a remarkable imprint.
In a world where conflict continually evolves, Mary Kaldor's ground-breaking work provides a profound examination of the emerging paradigms of warfare. Moving beyond traditional state-centric battles, Kaldor introduces the concept of 'New Wars.
Agonistic Peace building challenges our conventional understanding of peace-making processes. Delving into the complex dynamics of peace agreements, we explore the intriguing concept of "agonistic peace agreements" and unveil the paradoxes and dilemmas inherent within them.
The ending of war has often been celebrated with a triumphant parade. However this traditional understanding of victory seems antiquated and increasingly elusive. So, how do we define victory in this era of 'endless war'?This question forms the crux this enlightening article
A complex web of conflicts and challenges has posed significant threats to peace and stability in Sahel region in Africa. SIPRI has issued a policy paper in which they explores the vital role of Maghreb countries in fostering peace in the Sahel and provides recommendations.
In this article we casts a spotlight on a little explored facet of international law and justice. The influence and impact of private foundations, Emtseva provides a fascinating insight into this understudied realm and explores how these private entities shape the narrative.
The transition of China from a recipient of foreign aid to becoming a major donor country highlights not only its economic strength but also its geopolitical ambitions. Lets explore how China's utilises foreign aid as a potent tool for global influence.